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Excerpt: Australia’s Barbecue Heritage

In Stories, Travel by Mark MaskerLeave a Comment

Rick Browne, Ph.B takes a look at Australia’s love affair with barbecue in “Baang-gaa to Barbies: Australia’s Barbecue Heritage,” excerpted from the May/June issue of Burn! Magazine. Let me smash a common misconception about Australian barbecue: Down Under, they cook prawns —no one here “slips another shrimp on the Barbie.” In fact, cooking shrimp, er, prawns on a barbecue was …

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New Issue of Burn! Magazine Out May 1!

In Chile Peppers, News by Mark Masker2 Comments

Don’t miss a single fiery issue of Burn! Magazine The next issue of Burn! will be released May 1st. In it, we’ll explore Australia’s Barbecue Heritage, travel to the Beer, Bourbon, & BBQ festival, and take a look at the seductive qualities of salsa, plus much more! Burn! is your antidote for all the look-alike “food porn” mags. Sassy, sharp, …

Winners of the Disc-It Drawing

In Fiery Foods Show, News by Mark MaskerLeave a Comment

Well, the 23rd Annual Fiery Foods & BBQ Show is now a fond memory, and Burn! Magazine is officially launched. We had a booth at the show, and partnered with the Disc-It company to give away three Disc-It grills (think of a huge outdoor wok with other attachments for a griddle, chile roaster, etc.). We also gave away one-year subscriptions …