Well before there was actual Tex-Mex cuisine, people near what is now Austin ate a lot of the same foods with similar basic tools. They were hungry and couldn’t wait the 15,000-ish years for there to be a Texas or a Mexico to invent Tex-Mex eats.
Spicy Latin American Ceviche
Ceviche is, of course, fish or other seafood that is marinated in citrus juices and other ingredients so that it is “cooked” without heat.
A History of Peppers in the United States Pt 1
Peppers of the annuum species were transferred into what is now the American Southwest twice—first by birds and then by people.
Curry Controversies Part 2
Editor’s Note: This is the second half of our story on curry controversies. You’ll find part one here.
When Habaneros Ruled the World of Peppers Pt 2
The following is part II of an excerpt from The Habanero Cookbook, by Dave DeWitt and Nancy Gerlach. Berkeley, CA: Ten Speed Press, 1995.
When Habaneros Ruled the World of Peppers Pt 1
The following is an excerpt from The Habanero Cookbook, by Dave DeWitt and Nancy Gerlach. Berkeley, CA: Ten Speed Press, 1995.
Curry Controversies Part 1
I assume that Douglas’s tongue was firmly planted in his cheek when he wrote the above assessment, but his comment hints at a wide range of opinion about curry.