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The Tikin Xik Technique

In Correspondents Around the World by José C. MarmolejoLeave a Comment

The Mayan empire flourished for more than 2,000 years. During that time, they developed a body of knowledge encompassing many fields such as astronomy, mathematics, medicine, and architecture. Gastronomy was no exception; they created a sophisticated cuisine based on a wide variety of ingredients found in rich ecosystems in the jungles of the Yucatán Peninsula and what it is today Guatemala, Belize, El Salvador, and Honduras.

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Need Weird Mexican Food Products? MexGrocer to the Rescue!

In Gadgets & Tech, Reviews, Stories by Lois Manno1 Comment

Need some achiote to sprinkle on the nopalitos in your comal? Look no further than When you run across a tasty new recipe with foreign-sounding Latin ingredients, you can cook it the way it was meant to be, thanks to MexGrocer’s huge inventory of really neat products. Their tagline reads “Bringing Hard-to-find Authentic Mexican Products to Your Door.” And …