While July 4th is known as a day synonymous for grilling, Meijer stores expect customers to bring a fresh approach to their shopping habits as cookouts remain key to connecting with friends and family this summer.Â
Barbecue 101: Tips from the Supersite
Having grilled that screwy rabbit and his basket of eggs last week, barbecue season became official in the Masker house. April being the seasonal starting line for many of us ‘quers, it’s the perfect time to get back to basics as we launch the year’s summer of smoke and fire. With that in mind, here are three articles you may want to check out from our Supersite.
5 Great Articles for Fledgling Barbecue Smokers
Over the years Dave DeWitt has collected more hot and spicy stories than a Las Vegas escort service. That’s part of being the Pope of Peppers– you don’t get to wear the name without learning a ton about chile peppers, capsaicin, and, in this case, smoke cooking. Although a lot of Dave’s knowledge makes it into his books, there’s great advice to be had at the Fiery Foods & Barbecue Super Site. Here are just five of the ones good for anyone new (or intermediate) to the sweet art of smoke.