peanut mms

Does the World Need Jalapeno Peanut M&Ms?

In Chile Peppers by Mark MaskerLeave a Comment

A couple of weeks ago, Brent Timm, the host of SnackChat Live, broke the story on the new Mexican JalapeƱo Peanut M&M’s on Instagram.
Reactions and comments to the new candy have been mixed, ranging from drooling enthusiasm only a taser could diminish to outright disdain washed down with a big cup of Haterade. It seems their spicy Kung Fu is weak, though, which is what we’ve all come to expect whenever the mainstream tries to get what it considers to be edgy.
peanut mms
I’m not sure the world needs a big company like Mars (who makes M&Ms) jumping on the spice train if they’re not going to figure out what actually constitutes spicy first. Mars might have been better off doing their homework and coming up with Mild, Medium, and Hot versions of these little peanut candies if they wanted to pull in the chilehead crowd, as opposed to playing to the widest swath of humanity possible with just one offering that, according to Mr. Timm, doesn’t sound spicy at all.

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Managing Editor | Mark is a freelance journalist based out of Los Angeles. Heā€™s our Do-It-Yourself specialist, and happily agrees to try pretty much every twisted project we come up with.

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