Mole Poblano Enchiladas

In Spicy Main Dishes by Mark MaskerLeave a Comment

Enchiladas prepared with mole sauce and Mexican asadero cheese, also called queso blanco, are as exotic as they are tasty. This is also a great way to utilize leftover turkey. Enchiladas are not difficult to prepare—in fact they are quite easy. The trick is to have everything organized and ready to go before assembling the enchiladas. Beforehand, you’ll want to have this mole poblano sauce made up and ready to go.

Mole Poblano Enchiladas
Mole Poblano Enchiladas
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4-6 people
4-6 people
Mole Poblano Enchiladas
Mole Poblano Enchiladas
Print Recipe
4-6 people
4-6 people
Servings: people
  1. In a heavy skillet, heat the oil and saute the onion until softened. Remove and drain.
  2. Add additional oil to the skillet to a depth of 1/4 inch and reheat. Lightly fry a tortilla in the oil until softened. Remove and dip the tortilla into the hot mole sauce and place on a baking sheet or oven proof serving dish.
  3. Place some of the turkey on the tortilla and top with some of the sauteed onions and cheese.
  4. Roll up the tortilla ending with the seam remaining on the bottom. Repeat with remaining tortillas. Pour additional sauce over the enchiladas.
  5. Either quickly reheat the enchiladas in a 350 degree oven, under a broiler, or in a microwave oven. Garnish with additional cheese and serve.
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Managing Editor | Mark is a freelance journalist based out of Los Angeles. He’s our Do-It-Yourself specialist, and happily agrees to try pretty much every twisted project we come up with.

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