Burn! Tested: Gringo Killer Sauces

In Product Reviews, Reviews by Mark MaskerLeave a Comment

wood-smoked-bhutt-burnMy buddy in New Zealand, Harvey Yeager, is one of the most interesting people I’ve ever met. A little while back, he kicked me two bottles of New Zealand’s Gringo Killer sauces to play with here in the U.S. When I saw one was named Wood Smoked Bhutt Burn Gourmet Chilli Sauce, I knew this wasn’t going to be a gastronomical cakewalk. And I was right.
That’s what you’d expect in a sauce with Trinidad scorpion peppers in it, though. I used it on some black beans with bacon yesterday and while it was certainly very hot and smoky, the afterburn hasn’t happened, so I think I’m safe. If you like to build slow to your high heat, the Bhutt Burn isn’t for you. If you like to skip the foreplay and get straight to the burn, though, you’ll probably like it. Tasting it straight up starts with smoke flavor, then BAM! I mixed about a tablespoon in with two cups of black beans and bacon. That’s about as much as you need for good heat enhanced by smoke in a side dish.
my-thaiThe other entry was Gringo Killer’s My Thai Gourmet Chilli Sauce. It’s milder than the Bhutt Burn (although still pretty hot for most people) and has a sweetness to it. I marinated some wild caught Alaskan salmon in it for a couple of hours, grilled it, and got to munching. The fish held the heat pretty well but some of the sweet cooked off on my grill. I’d probably brush it on next time or mix it with a little barbecue sauce for a really distinct blend. Both sauces are available at the company’s website, here. Thanks for the sauce, Harvey!

Bhutt Burn Bacon Beans
Author: Heat Scale: Hot
Prep time:
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Serves: 2
A pretty simple side that takes next to no effort to make. It’s great for when you don’t have a whole lot of time.
  • 2 cups black beans (I used canned)
  • 3 slices cooked, chopped bacon
  • 1 teaspoon Gringo Killer Wood Smoked Bhutt Burn hot sauce
  • 2 tablespoons tomato paste
  1. Mix all the ingredients in a sauce pan. Set the burner to low heat, cover, and simmer until hot.
Quick Grilled Thai Salmon
Author: Heat Scale: Hot
Prep time:
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Total time:
Serves: 1
Like the beans, I kept this recipe simple for those looking to cook something pretty quickly.
  • 1 salmon fillet (8 oz)
  • Gringo Killer My Thai hot sauce
  1. Coat the salmon with the sauce. Marinate it in the refrigerator for 2 hours.
  2. Over medium high heat, grill the salmon for 5-8 minutes on a side, flip it, and repeat.
  3. Brush a thin layer of the sauce over the salmon two minute before removing.


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Managing Editor | Mark is a freelance journalist based out of Los Angeles. He’s our Do-It-Yourself specialist, and happily agrees to try pretty much every twisted project we come up with.

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