Barbecue and grilling season is the best time to replace the old whipped mule you call a set of tongs.
Star Wars: The Grill Awakens
In nine days, Star Wars: The Force Awakens hits movie theaters, hoping to avenge the accidental tragicomedy known as the prequels. People are flocking to theaters to see it. If, like me, you’re one of them, consider a tailgate party near the theater, complete with all this Darth Vader grilling gear I found for you on Just make sure mom doesn’t find it in the basement. We both know she’ll throw it all out like she did my old toy Millenium Falcon after I left for college. Which is now worth a fortune. That I don’t have. Because someone threw it out.
Burn! Tested: Grill Daddy BBQ Multi-Tools and Burger Stomper’s Slider Press
After I’ve spent a few hours over a hot grill, the last thing I want to do is wash a bunch of barbecue tools and do the dishes. Usually this is because my innate laziness and The Itis dictate I take a nap. Grill Daddy understands my lack of motivation and made their line of Heat Shield tools to make it a little less likely I sit on my backside with a sink full of dirty dishes. Here’s what I mean.