The following is an excerpt from The Habanero Cookbook, by Dave DeWitt and Nancy Gerlach. Berkeley, CA: Ten Speed Press, 1995.
Fiery Foods Show and Chile Pepper Magazine Team Up
Good news! Chile Pepper Magazine has signed on as sponsor for our National Fiery Foods and Barbecue Show. Here’s how Dave Dewitt explains it on his blog.
Dave’s New Year’s Food Resolutions
All my life I’ve had this attitude that if everyone else is doing it, I’m not. This mostly relates to insubstantial things, which is why I’ve never smoked a cigarette, joined a fraternity, church, or bridge club, and I refuse to discuss religion or politics in most situations. About food, I’m the same way, so my preface here will help …
Chile Pepper Voodoo Invades New Orleans
If you’re looking for a fall show to attend or display your wares, Chile Pepper Magazine’s Chile Pepper Extravaganza may be just your ticket.