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Hot Sauce Sales Hit New High

In Chile Peppers, News by Mark MaskerLeave a Comment

Earlier this week, we talked about how hot sauce has hit the mainstream market with great vengeance and furious anger, with over 50% of American homes having one flavor or another of it on hand. Statista, the Statistics Portal, says that “hot sauce sales are the eighth-fastest growing industry in the U.S. Sales were $1.07 billion in 2012 and are projected to be $1.32 billion in 2017.”

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New Mexico Chiles: History Legend, and Lore

In Book Reviews, Chile Peppers, History, Reviews, Stories by Mark MaskerLeave a Comment

With most firsthand account books, someone dies or at the very least you get a graphic description of some horrible event, complete with gory photos. This is typically followed by a round of talk show appearances, and up until a few years ago, crying on TV in front of Oprah. You wont’ find any of that crap in this upbeat chile love letter. Unlike many eyewitness-esque works, Kelly Urig’s New Mexico Chiles: History, Legend, and Lore is a positive tribute to an icon from the writer’s childhood. Here’s what I mean…

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Welcome to Burn 2.0

In Hot News, News by Mark MaskerLeave a Comment

Over the last long while, Dave DeWitt, Hans Wressnigg, and I have worked hard to create a better Burn. Not just the blog, though. We’ve grouped the Pope of Peppers’ churches closer together to give make things easier to find, update our look, and generally make for a better experience for the good folks who take the time to read the craziness that jets out of our collective psyches.

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Diagnosing Chile Pepper Pests and Problems

In Gardening, Stories by Dave DeWittLeave a Comment

In 1987, game and fish department authorities in New Mexico gave farmers permission to shoot deer out of season. The reason? The deer were raiding chile pepper fields–a heinous crime in our state. They ate two acres of pods and severely damaged three additional acres. Although such deer depredations are unusual, they illustrate the fact that peppers damaged by more things than insects and disease.

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Iced Heat: Freezing Chiles

In Cooking Guide by Dave DeWittLeave a Comment

Freezing chiles is an excellent way of preserving them. Chiles that have been frozen retain all the characteristics of fresh chiles except for their texture. Since the individual cell walls have been ruptured by the freezing of the water within each cell, the chiles will lose their crisp texture.