For over a decade, Bartels Harley-Davidson in Marina del Rey has hosted their own chili cook-off. For three of those years, I’ve gone out and been the guy making all the chili the other competitors don’t.
Bartel’s Harley-Davidson 2016 Chili Cook Off!
Yours truly is competing again at the Bartels Chili Cook-Off in Marina del Rey, California this June. If you’re going to be in the area, stop by for some free food. Last year I made the only chile verde in a sea of red. This year I’ve got another offbeat offering going into the competition!
2015 Bartels Harley-Davidson Chili Cook-off
I finally took the plunge and broke my chili competition cherry. Not only that, this was my first time making chili that didn’t magically appear when I opened a can labeled “Hormel.” Or, I should say, “chile” since I made a chile verde instead of the red stuff. Bartels Harley-Davidson held their annual chili cook-off in Marina del Rey yesterday and I thought I’d buck tradition with a little mean green.
The 10th Annual Bartels Harley-Davidson Chili Cook Off
Thirteen years ago, when I was an extremely green rookie motojournalist for Hot Rod Bikes magazine, I found out about the happy marriage of Harleys and chili while wolfing down a bowl of the stuff at the annual custom bike show during the Laughlin River Run. I knew the two were a natural match but it took me a second to figure out why. Both are customizable American icons and nothing complements a long day on the road like a quick bite of good food. Why wouldn’t they be a great fit?