September marks the transition from summer to fall not just for the weather but also for eating. Chili being the lovechild of stew and outdoor summer cooking, it’s a great way to ease yourself into the shorter, colder days to come. Here’s a highlight reel from our sister, the Fiery Foods & Barbecue Super Site to fire your imagination when it comes to making chili at home.
The World Food Championships: Sin City Judgment Day
It’s possible I could have had more fun at the 2013 World Food Championships—I just would’ve needed bail money to do so. Too much happened to tell you in one blog post so I’m opening up with this overview. If you want a visual guide, you can check out our photo album on our Facebook page. Seeing how the event invaded Downtown Sin City this November 7-10, let’s break down the festivities by their corresponding Seven Deadly Sins.
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This is why we don’t actually follow the plans we make when we’re plastered on tequila, kids.
Hot News
With so much going on the worlds of barbecue and hot sauce, I’m starting a weekly news department to keep track of events and products you might want to know about. This is the first go-around so I’m keeping it short and sweet as we build up content.