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Hot and Spicy Valentine’s Chocolate Ideas: The Burn! List

In Stories by Mark MaskerLeave a Comment

Guys, Valentine’s Day is upon us. Instead of falling into Hallmark’s cash trap and shelling out a small fortune for overpriced chocolate from the local diabetes outlet (yeah, Godiva and See’s, I’m looking at you), save a little money and add a personal touch by making your own spicy chocolate dessert. Here are three articles from the Super Site so you can do just that.

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4 Great Articles for your Sweet Heat Arsenal

In Dessert, Recipes by Mark MaskerLeave a Comment

In rock band terms, hot sauce and peppers are going so mainstream it’s almost as if they’ve sold out. When McDonald’s and its fast food ilk are all running McChipotle this and that, it’s time for the cool kids who were chileheads before everyone was doing it to branch out. Gene splicing spicy with sweet is an awesome way to do just that. Here are some ideas from the Super Site to kick start your noggin into high gear.