marinated jerk pork

5 Jamaican Jerk Cooking Ideas

In Recipes by Mark MaskerLeave a Comment

If you like jerking your chicken over a hot grill, you’ll love these cooking ideas. Although you may not not know it from recent weather in some parts of the U.S., summer is fast approaching and Jamaican jerk chicken and pork lend their tasty selves very well to grilling and smoking on sunny days. I’ve found some great ways for you to start jerk cooking with these five stories as a guide.
jerk pork
Authentic Jamaican Jerk
Jessica McCurdy Crooks wrote a great article on the subject, complete with some background and recipes. It’s a good starting point for jumping into this flavorful Caribbean style. Check it out.
jerk pork
Be the Perfect Jerk
Want to know how to make North Coast jerk marinade from scratch as the gods intended? We’ve got that covered in this story Dave DeWitt wrote about doing just that.
Jerk Chicken with Pineapple-Mango Salsa
This recipe for jerk sauce is fiery but not incendiary, full of flavor, and worth the effort to make it. Read it and see for yourself.
marinated jerk pork
Marinated Jerk Pork for the Grill
The title says it all. Easier to use than a paste, marinade gets flavor into meat wonderfully. Feel free to give our recipe a whirl.
north coast jerk pork
North Coast Jerk Pork
The Jamaican jerk cooks use a technique of cooking best described as “smoke-grilling.” it combines the direct heat of grilling with smoke produced by fresh pimento leaves and branches. Find out how we do it here.

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Managing Editor | Mark is a freelance journalist based out of Los Angeles. He’s our Do-It-Yourself specialist, and happily agrees to try pretty much every twisted project we come up with.

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