a1 meat scented candles

Really? A1 Meat Scented Candles?

In Humor by Mark MaskerLeave a Comment

This is no joke; A1 Meat Scented Candles are for real. I imagine this is great for those occasions when you want to smell cooked meat, get hungry, and not enjoy the payoff of actually getting to eat it. Or if you just want your man cave to smell like something good that doesn’t come in a lace bag and make you want to watch rom coms.
a1 meat scented candles
They also may be a good lead-in to motivate you to cook, too. Regardless, you can get the A1 candles in three distinct scents (flavors?) here. They also wouldn’t make a bad gift for Father’s Day.

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Managing Editor | Mark is a freelance journalist based out of Los Angeles. He’s our Do-It-Yourself specialist, and happily agrees to try pretty much every twisted project we come up with.

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