gindo's sauce review

Gindo’s Jalapeno Poblano Hot Sauce Review

In Product Reviews by Mark MaskerLeave a Comment

Gindo’s Jalapeno Poblano Hot Sauce is the first in a trio of sauces that Gindo’s Spice of Life Hot Sauce sent our way to review. If the other two are as good as this one is, I’m gonna be a pretty happy guy.

gindo's sauces review

Gindo’s Year Round sauces: Original, Jalapeno Poblano, and Honey Habanero

Described as vibrant with a mild kick, the Jalapeno Poblano sauce delivers exactly that and then some. Not only does it have jalapeno, poblano, and red bell in it, the sauce also packs four kinds of salt (Aussie, Black Lava, Pink Himalayan, and La Baleine), organic sugar, and ground peppercorn. The sugar was so subtle that I almost missed it because of the overall sourness. That said, the combination of its flavors hits you between the initial sourness and the mild heat on the back end when you taste it. It’s a sauce that favors flavor over fire.
I also liked that there was a little bit of pulp and seed in it to make the sauce feel like a small batch product. But I'm weird like that.

I also liked that there was a little bit of pulp and seed in it to make the sauce feel like a small batch product. But I’m weird like that.

Gindo’s recommends using it on the usual suspects you do with most hot sauces: eggs, tacos, marinades, and with avocado. I went with something simple and neutral: tortilla chips and melted cheese.
gindo's jalapeno poblano sauce
The Jalapeno Poblano added some dimension to a pretty cut-and-dried snack and that’s where I think it excels. I’d like to experiment with it as the hot sauce element to a tomatillo Bloody Maria and when I do I’ll let you know how it goes. Until then, I’ll review the Original next.

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Managing Editor | Mark is a freelance journalist based out of Los Angeles. He’s our Do-It-Yourself specialist, and happily agrees to try pretty much every twisted project we come up with.

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