Less Than Two Weeks Left to Make the Scovies

In News, Scovie Awards by Mark MaskerLeave a Comment

If you’ve been planning on entering the 2013 Scovie Awards, you now have 12 days to do it. The deadline is midnight, September 5! We have new and exciting categories this year. Pre-made tamales and pre-packaged chili categories have been added, as well as a “unique” subcategory to all the main categories. Adding the “unique” subcategory will give you more chances to win with all of your products!
Enter four products or categories into the contest and pay for only three–-the fourth entry is free. Enter seven and pay for only five–-2 entries for free. These bonus entries can either be additional product(s) or the same product(s) in additional categories.

As with the 2012 Scovie Awards, the grand prize winners in the Tasting Division and the Advertising and Marketing Division will each win a Disc-It, the versatile outdoor grill. Each will be customized with the winner’s names on the handles.

Please visit our website for information, rules, and the entry form, or feel free to call Emily DeWitt-Cisneros at (505) 873-8680. She is here to help!

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Managing Editor | Mark is a freelance journalist based out of Los Angeles. He’s our Do-It-Yourself specialist, and happily agrees to try pretty much every twisted project we come up with.

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