Organizer Steve Seabury, of High River Sauces
A couple of weeks ago, we brought you exclusive news about the new Hot Sauce Hall of Fame. Founder Steve Seabury is working his ass off to make it happen in time for the New York Hot Sauce Expo. He took a time for a more in-depth interview with us to fill in some of the blanks, though.
Why should there be a hot sauce hall of fame?
I think people need to be recognized for their hard work and dedication towards their respected industry of choice. This Hall of Fame will represent and recognize the hard working people for their passion, inspiration, dedication and devotion within the hot sauce industry.
Where will it be located?
We are going to do the induction ceremony at the NYC Hot Sauce Expo on Saturday April 25th. Currently we are in communication with people about various locations to call home for the Hot Sauce Hall of Fame. We feel that the location must be a location where people from all over the world could have easy access to enjoy the beautiful history of the pepper. Here is the link that we are using right now.
What can people expect to see when they go there?
The Hall will focus on history, accomplishments within this history and where this history will bloom for the future. The Hot Sauce Hall of Fame will recognize these pioneers and their contributions.
The Barbecue Hall of Fame has three categories for its inductees. Will the Hot Sauce Hall of Fame work in a similar fashion?
The Hot Sauce Hall of Fame will be very similar to the Baseball, Football and Music Hall of Fame. Their guidelines for eligibility for the nomination process was the main driver and influence on the direction we chose for this Hall.
How are nominees chosen?
This year’s nominations were chosen by the Senators Board of the Halls Foundation. The selected nominations were chosen after many lengthy discussions and many considerations. Next year we will be sending out a blank ballot and let the voice of the community select the names for the nomination ballot. The top voted names comprised by this selection committee will determine the final ballot. Once the final ballot is determined we will send out to the selection committee and let them determine the class of 2016. The selection committee is comprised of people that work in the hot sauce business for a minimum of three (3) years.
What’s planned for the induction ceremony this year?
The induction ceremony will be in from of a live crowd at the NYC Hot Sauce Expo on April 25th in the main ballroom.
What’s your background in hot sauce/chile peppers?
I have been a hot sauce fanatic pretty much my whole life. Always made hot sauce as a hobby but in 2011 I decide to throw my hat into the professional ring. Like most people I put my efforts into the business after many friends and family keep insisting.
Who’s sponsoring it?
Our current sponsors are High River Sauces, Chile Pepper Magazine, Endorphin Farms and Iburn.com.
What do you want the world to know about the hall of fame?
I just want the world to know how amazing this industry is. People have spent their whole lives dedicated to this industry. I want the Hall of Fame to showcase these individuals and their contributions to the mainstream. Without these people the fiery foods industry wouldn’t exist to the level it is today. I am just the humble guy trying to help in the recognition.
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