Jalapeno Wine Bloody Mary

In Alcoholic, Beverages, Recipes by Mark MaskerLeave a Comment

Jalapeno Wine Bloody Mary
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A lighter alternative than vodka-based Bloody Mary mixes!
2 servings
2 servings
Jalapeno Wine Bloody Mary
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A lighter alternative than vodka-based Bloody Mary mixes!
2 servings
2 servings
Servings: servings
  1. Combine the ingredients and pour over ice in tall glass. Garnish with whatever you’d like! Celery is most common, but something unusual like green pepper slices or asparagus stalks are fun too.
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Managing Editor | Mark is a freelance journalist based out of Los Angeles. He’s our Do-It-Yourself specialist, and happily agrees to try pretty much every twisted project we come up with.

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