In the latest round of legal flak aimed at Sriracha, a California judge has ruled in favor of the town of Irwindale. He decreed that the factory stop making “anything that causes odors” at Sriracha’s Irwindale facility. What this means to us hot sauce lovers possibly is less Sriracha on store shelves next year. Considering the sauce has gotten so popular Subway makes a Sriracha Chicken Melt sammich, this is kind of a big deal. Judge Robert H. O’Brien filing says, “[Huy Fong Foods] is to immediately make changes in its site operations reducing odors and the potential for odors” consistent with the city’s air quality mitigation measures. The factory processes fresh chilies for three months out of the year.
Hot News
My post-Vegas food coma (aka, the itis) finally ended so I’m back at the keyboard writing about motorcycles and food again. Woohoo! We’re starting the week off with Hot News and it’s all about reapers, roosters, and ribs.
Burn! Tested: Sriracha Beef Jerky
Sriracha flavored beef jerky is a trend quickly turning into a hot new phenomenon in the world of gourmet jerky. Over the past few decades, Sriracha sauce has slowly gained a foothold into American culture, and just as quickly, has extended itself into a wide variety of foods.
Add a Burst of Flavor with Sriracha
A table condiment to similar to ketchup—but much more pungent—sriracha sauce is becoming increasingly popular, and expanding from its traditional Thai roots into other cuisines.