They are invaluable for monitoring cooking temperatures whether in a competition pit, your backyard or your oven…
16 Rookie Grilling and Smoking Mistakes to Avoid
I’ve been cooking outdoors – grilling, barbecuing and even baking – for a long, long time but I remember when I first started and the mistakes I made including shattering a plate glass sliding door by having a hibachi too close to the door (that turned out to be a $500 steak). Outdoor cooking has a learning curve… it’s not that steep but it still takes time to convert your indoor culinary skills to the backyard. These are some “rookie” mistakes I made and how to avoid them.
New Toys from Thermoworks
Thermoworks, a Utah-based company selling high quality temperature measurement instruments manufactured in the U.K., has introduced four new products for home and backyard cooks. I have used Thermoworks’ products for a number of years and I’m continually impressed by their quality and customer service.
The Burn!’ed Christmas List Part 1
As part of our neverending crusade to avoid grillers and chileheads getting socks and bad cologne/perfume every Christmas, we’re running our first annual Burn!’ed Christmas List. From now until mid-December, will be post little lists of cool, fun, or necessary gifts that we (and hopefully you) might like to find under the tree or in a stocking this December. Up first is Mike Stines with some great ideas to fill in the blanks in your barbecue arsenal.
Breast Intentions: Smoked Turkey on a Small Scale
Although time-consuming because preparation includes brining and air-drying, smoking a turkey breast is pretty straight-forward and easy to do with either a gas or charcoal grill.
Mike’s Carolina-style Pulled Pork in Mustard
Barbecue cooking isn’t rocket science nor, however, does two plus two equal four on the grill. Barbecue is low and slow cooking not baking (that’s more chemistry than cooking). The meat is done when it’s done; you can guesstimate so many minutes per pound but you’ll rarely be right on the money.