The Compost Pile Volunteers

In Gardening, Stories by Dave DeWittLeave a Comment

I’m a rabid gardener and love to collect information about unusual occurrences in gardens or microfarms. Fred McCarter just sent us this pic and comment:

Compost ScorpionFrom the dirt pile comes the HEAT… I throw everything on my compost pile. Coffee grounds, fruit cores, pepper stems, pepper seeds, etc… This one was growing this spring so I moved it into one of my grow containers… Now, here it is late in the summer and my dirt pile pepper plant is giving me some GOOD STUFF!!!


That reminded me of what’s growing out of the side of my compost pile:

Compost Tomato



A tomato of an unknown variety, until it fruits.

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Publisher | Christened the "Pope of Peppers" by The New York Times, Dave DeWitt is a food historian and one of the foremost authorities in the world on chile peppers, spices, and spicy foods.

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