Final Scovie Deadline Looms

In News, Scovie Awards by Mark MaskerLeave a Comment

jpegThe deadline for entering the 2015 Scovie Awards Competition is now Friday, September 12 at midnight, and there will be no additional extension. But remember, your products entered must arrive in Albuquerque no later than September 19th.

And remember, the more products or categories you enter, the better chance you have to put “a trophy on every bottle.”

“We have quadrupled our distribution, taken our product international, and have been featured in industry periodicals and blogs increasing our product awareness. Having the Scovie sticker on our bottles and in our advertising gives us that ‘little edge’, setting us apart from our competitors.” –Mike Bross, Pancali Foods

And if you’d like to learn how we judge the contest, now you can watch our high-budget, award-winning short film in glorious Technicolor, by clicking here.

To enter the 2015 Scovie Awards, go here.

If you need more information, or if you have any questions, email Emily DeWitt-Cisneros (, or call her at 505-873-8680.

Hottest regards,
Dave DeWitt, Scovies Founder

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Managing Editor | Mark is a freelance journalist based out of Los Angeles. He’s our Do-It-Yourself specialist, and happily agrees to try pretty much every twisted project we come up with.

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