Hot Toddy

In Alcoholic, Beverages, Recipes by Mark MaskerLeave a Comment

hot toddyAs Christmas arrives and the weather gets cooler for most of us, chilly mixed drinks are much less desirable. Over at Simple Cocktails, I rarely make warm drinks, but with the weather peaking in the 40’s in Albuquerque, it’s time to warm up.
I’d venture to say that the two most popular hot cocktails are Hot Buttered Rum (grab the recipe from my blog) and a Hot Toddy, and it seems like there are about 100 different recipes with each that you can find online, including a spicy one Mark made here a few months back.
A Hot Toddy is really an alcoholic tea of sorts, and I find it really helpful to sip when I’m feeling under-the-weather. In fact, like many classic cocktails, the Toddy was first mixed for folks as a cure for their illnesses. One important note when you make these is that when you heat alcohol, it has a tendency to feel more potent as the ethanol vapors really liven up when they’re heated. If you make a warm cocktail and it’s a little too hot for your liking, decrease the amount of alcohol.
Let’s make a simple Hot Toddy to warm our bellies this winter, whaddya say? I’m honored to wish you and yours happy holidays from Simple Cocktails and the Burn! Blog.

Greg Mays is the Managing Editor of Simple Cocktails.

Hot Toddy
Author: Heat Scale: None
  • 1 sugar cube
  • A dash of nutmeg
  • A dash of cinnamon
  • The juice of a lemon wedge
  • 2 oz whiskey (I used Jim Beam Black Bourbon – aged 8 years)
  1. Add all of the above to a mug. Top with 6 oz of boiling water and stir very well.


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Managing Editor | Mark is a freelance journalist based out of Los Angeles. He’s our Do-It-Yourself specialist, and happily agrees to try pretty much every twisted project we come up with.

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