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Sichuan Chile Sauce

In Asian by Mark MaskerLeave a Comment

Here is a classic chile sauce from one of the hottest regions–foodwise–in China. This Sichuan chile sauce can be used in stir-fry dishes, added to soups, or sprinkled over rice.

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Sichuan Ginger Oil

In Asian by Dave DeWittLeave a Comment

This oil adds a lot of flavor to any dish and especially Asian fare, but don’t limit its use. It’s also great on a simple salad of mixed greens and bean sprouts.

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Sichuan “Chili”

In Asian by Mark MaskerLeave a Comment

No chili fan in their right mind is going to think of what I served up at the 2019 Bartels H-D Chili Cook-Off as a legit chili. That’s fine. I make variants like this for the folks in their wrong mind, like myself.