Sichuan Citrus Shrimp and Scallops

In Asian by Mike StinesLeave a Comment

The first food I prepared with a salt block was a Sichuan citrus scallop and shrimp appetizer (this could also be an entrée if you increase the number of shrimp and scallops per serving). Following the manufacturer’s recommendations I placed the dry, room temperature salt block on an unheated grill and turned the grill on to its lowest temperature allowing the salt block to warm gently (this also removes any moisture that might be on the block). Then I slowly increased the grill’s temperature until the salt block reached the desired temperature… for me the process took about 45 minutes until the block reached 550 degrees F. The key is to slowly increase the temperature otherwise the block may shatter.

sechuan scallops and shrimp
Sichuan Citrus Shrimp and Scallops
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Heat Scale: Mild to medium
2 servings
2 servings
sechuan scallops and shrimp
Sichuan Citrus Shrimp and Scallops
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Heat Scale: Mild to medium
2 servings
2 servings
  1. Combine 1 1/2 tablespoons of the lime juice, the lemon juice, peppercorns and olive oil in a small container. Add the shrimp and scallops and marinate, refrigerated, for one hour. Drain the seafood and discard the marinade.
  2. Prepare the salt block for high-heat direct cooking (500 to 600 degrees F.) and cook the shrimp and scallops for two minutes. Turn and cook another two to three minutes or until done. Using tongs remove the shrimp and scallops from the block and divide the shrimp and scallops onto two warmed serving plates.
  3. Garnish the seafood with the lime and lemon peel and drizzle with the remaining lime juice. Sprinkle with additional crushed peppercorns if desired.
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Grilling & BBQ Editor | Mike holds a “Doctorate of Barbeque Philosophy” (Ph.B.) degree from the Kansas City Barbeque Society. His book Mastering Barbecue has been called the “go-to” book for BBQ knowledge.

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