DIY Hot Link Sausage

In Burgers, Sandwiches & Dogs by Mark MaskerLeave a Comment

Hot Links are found everywhere now and make a great sandwich when smothered with tangy barbecue sauce, or as an ingredient with beans or boiled greens. We originally ran this recipe in Mike Stines’ Sausage Spectacular! feature, which also gives other great information on making sausage at home. This recipe is adapted from Bruce Aidells’ “Complete Sausage Book” (Ten Speed Press, 2000) and requires advance preparation.

hot links recipe
DIY Hot Link Sausage
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Heat Scale: Medium
3 1/4 lbs
3 1/4 lbs
hot links recipe
DIY Hot Link Sausage
Print Recipe
Heat Scale: Medium
3 1/4 lbs
3 1/4 lbs
  1. Grind the meats and fat through a 3/16-inch plate. In a large bowl, mix the ground fat and meats with the water, garlic, salt, paprika, black pepper, sugar, marjoram, cayenne, sage, allspice, cardamom, cloves, coriander and cinnamon. Knead with your hands until everything is well blended.
  2. Stuff into medium hog casings, and tie into 6-inch links. Dry overnight on a rack in the refrigerator.
  3. Hot smoke until the internal temperature of the sausages reaches 155 to 160 degrees F.
  4. Hot Links will keep in the refrigerator for 5 days or in the freezer for 2 months.
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Managing Editor | Mark is a freelance journalist based out of Los Angeles. He’s our Do-It-Yourself specialist, and happily agrees to try pretty much every twisted project we come up with.

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