Spicy Hot Milk Bourbon Punch

In Alcoholic by Mark MaskerLeave a Comment

This being a chile pepper bourbon punch for Christmas, I forewent the usual cutesy Santa mug for something a little more Ghost of Christmas Future.


Or as some bartenders call it, The Scroogedriver. Okay, fine, they don’t.
But they should.

Milk and bourbon get along pretty well in a beverage. Add in the cinnamon, allspice, and clove and all of a sudden you’re in Christmas territory but without the eggs for making eggnog. The hot pepper maple syrup adds sweet heat to the mix, which is a very good thing.
2020 scovie winner

The Spicy Shark’s Hot Craft Maple Syrup is an excellent choice.

Two syrups work very well for this. One is Spicy Shark’s. The other is Trader Joe’s Ghost Pepper Maple Syrup.

spicy hot milk bourbon punch
Spicy Hot Milk Bourbon Punch
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Heat Scale: Mild
2 drinks
2 drinks
spicy hot milk bourbon punch
Spicy Hot Milk Bourbon Punch
Print Recipe
Heat Scale: Mild
2 drinks
2 drinks
  1. Mix all the spices except the nutmeg, the milk/cream/half and half, and the syrup in a saucepan. Heat the mixture until bubbles form all around the edges but DO NOT bring it to a full boil.
  2. Turn off the burner. Let the mixture steep for ten minutes.
  3. Strain out the spices. Reheat if necessary.
  4. Add the bourbon and split between two glasses. Or hog it to yourself. We're not here to judge.
  5. Top with the whipped cream and the nutmeg.
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Managing Editor | Mark is a freelance journalist based out of Los Angeles. He’s our Do-It-Yourself specialist, and happily agrees to try pretty much every twisted project we come up with.

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