Wild Boar in Peanut Sauce

In BBQ - Grilling - Smoking by Rick BrowneLeave a Comment

As with any cooking style worth its salt (or BBQ rub, as it were), changes are inevitable if that style is to survive and grow and maintain its popularity. And that’s why barbecue grillers are expanding what they cook (i.e.: burgers, hot dogs and ribs) to include more exotic fare, cooking up bison, venison, elk, rabbits, rattlesnakes, wild boar, antelope, and—yes, Rudolph—reindeer.

wild boar satay
Wild Boar in Peanut Sauce
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Heat Scale: None
6-8 servings
6-8 servings
wild boar satay
Wild Boar in Peanut Sauce
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Heat Scale: None
6-8 servings
6-8 servings
  1. Heat a few spoonfulls of oil in a large pot. Add the meat and fry it until it is browned but not done. Reduce heat. Add water, salt, and pepper and simmer for about half an hour.
  2. Add the tomatoes and onions and contine to simmer until the meat is done and becoming tender.
  3. Remove some of the liquid and mix it with the peanut butter to make a smooth sauce. Add this to the meat-tomato-onion mixture.
  4. Continue to simmer on very low heat until the meat is very tender.
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