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Interview: World Food Championships CEO Mike McCloud

In Interviews, Stories by Mark MaskerLeave a Comment

The World Food Championships are still young in the culinary world but they’re well on their way to becoming a major institution. CEO Mike McCloud helms this ever growing ship. You’ll see him at qualifiers throughout the year as well as the main events in Kissimmee, Florida this November. He’s always down to talk about the WFC, where it’s been, is, and is going so I pinned him down for an interview on the food machine he and the team at MMA Creative put into motion.

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The World Food Championships: Sin City Judgment Day

In Event Coverage, News by Mark MaskerLeave a Comment

It’s possible I could have had more fun at the 2013 World Food Championships—I just would’ve needed bail money to do so. Too much happened to tell you in one blog post so I’m opening up with this overview. If you want a visual guide, you can check out our photo album on our Facebook page. Seeing how the event invaded Downtown Sin City this November 7-10, let’s break down the festivities by their corresponding Seven Deadly Sins.

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Hot News

In Hot News, News by Mark MaskerLeave a Comment

Sometimes we get slow news weeks and I have to save up items just to give people a decent-sized post. This is not one of those weeks. From food competitions to seaweed beer and Doritos Roulette, there’s a lot to talk about.