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The Great Montezuma Hot Chocolate Drink

In Alcoholic, Beverages, Holiday & Seasonal, Recipes by Mark MaskerLeave a Comment

“Everybody wants some… I want some too…” Van Halen wasn’t talking about hot chocolate when they wrote that but they might as well have been. Chocolate gets associate with sex more often than Craigslist. This hot chocolate is about as close as you can get to what they were singing about without getting buck nekkid and arguing over who gets to go downstairs for sandwiches and cigarettes afterward. We have Richard Sterling to thank for this wonderful libation. You’ll find it and more in this holiday spicy beverage guide at our sister site.

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Dark Chocolate Cheesecake with Red Chile Ganache

In Dessert, Holiday & Seasonal, Recipes by Mark MaskerLeave a Comment

Happy holidays, everybody. As we pull into the home stretch for 2015’s finish line, foodies like us find ourselves busier than the North Pole elves. Over the next few weeks, I’ll grill, smoke, bake, and post a storm of different recipes. One of them is this Dark Chocolate Cheesecake with Red Chile Ganache from this spicy holiday dessert piece at Fiery Foods and Barbecue Central.

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Panpepato (Spicy Chocolate-flavored Christmas Bread)

In Dessert, Holiday & Seasonal, Recipes by Mark MaskerLeave a Comment

The turkey’s gone, the stupidity that is Black Friday is behind us, and now we’re on to Christmas. Your food options are a little more freestyle than Thanksgiving’s now. If you’re looking to get away from ham, geese, and mashed potatoes, how about going Italian? Dave DeWitt ran a whole Italy-style holiday feast in this feature story, and this Panpepato (Spicy Chocolate-flavored Christmas Bread) recipe was just one of the wonderful options from which to choose.

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Mole: Turkey in Chocolate Chile Sauce

In Chile Peppers, Holiday & Seasonal, Recipes, Spicy Main Dishes by Mark MaskerLeave a Comment

If you want your Thanksgiving bird to be a stand-out, try Mole Poblano de Guajolote (aka Turkey in Chocolate Chile Sauce). It’s just one of the great Mexicanized Thanksgiving ideas she put forth in this article at our main site. Although this recipe is for sliced poultry and only serves 4-6 people, I’m sure you can do the math and scale it up if need be.