Bean and Cheese Ancho Chiles Relleno

In Spicy Main Dishes by Dave DeWittLeave a Comment

This is a simple and quick lacto-vegetarian recipe. This dish makes a good option for a picnic as well as a potluck party.

bean and cheese ancho rellenos
Bean and Cheese Ancho Chiles Relleno
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Heat Scale: Mild
6 servings
6 servings
bean and cheese ancho rellenos
Bean and Cheese Ancho Chiles Relleno
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Heat Scale: Mild
6 servings
6 servings
Servings: servings
  1. Carefully make a side cut on the anchos and remove the seeds and veins, then rinse them.
  2. Dip the chiles in boiling water for one minute. Remove them, drain, and reserve them.
  3. In a pan, sautée the onion, garlic and serrano. Add the beans and salt. Refry for 3 minutes, then stuff the mixture into the chiles and add the cheese. Heat the stuffed peppers and serve.
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Publisher | Christened the "Pope of Peppers" by The New York Times, Dave DeWitt is a food historian and one of the foremost authorities in the world on chile peppers, spices, and spicy foods.

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