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The BBQ Guru’s Bob Trudnak: Interview

In Gadgets & Tech, Interviews, Stories by Mark MaskerLeave a Comment

The BBQ Guru’s Bob Trudnak and I have played phone tag for an interview for years. This is mostly my fault but we finally nailed down a Q&A session earlier this week. He’s the main man for The BBQ Guru’s competition team and I asked him about moving into barbecue, what he likes to make, and his plans for getting into the World Food Championships so he can add a second WFC rib win to his belt.

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Hot News

In Hot News, News by Mark MaskerLeave a Comment

My post-Vegas food coma (aka, the itis) finally ended so I’m back at the keyboard writing about motorcycles and food again. Woohoo! We’re starting the week off with Hot News and it’s all about reapers, roosters, and ribs.