Grilled Ravioli

In BBQ - Grilling - Smoking, Pork, Recipes by Harald ZoschkeLeave a Comment

ravioli_grill7From my new and exciting series “Harald grills everything but his Mom”, here’s the latest: Grilled Ravioli!

Heat fresh ravioli * 2-3 minutes in near-boiling water and rinse. Sprinkle them generously with Cajun spice mix. Put a fresh sage leaf between two pieces each and wrap with prosciutto di parma. Thread these packages on skewers and grill from both sides for 5-6 minutes over medium heat. Serve with a light yoghurt dip with fresh herbs and garlic.

What can I say – the experiment worked. Something we’re definitely going to repeat.ravioli_grill600








* I used ravioli with a four-cheese filling. Look for those in better supermarkets in the refrigeration shelves, or in Italian specialty stores. Or make your own! Once you’re up the learning curve, a pasta maker is a lot of fun, and a nice money saver.

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European Chilehead Editor at Large | Harald’s Chili Pepper Buch 2.0 is the bestselling chile book in German-speaking Europe. He covers European chilehead culture and his own spicy kitchen encounters for Burn Blog.

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