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Peperoni Cruschi Part 2 | Frying Them Up

In Correspondents Around the World by Harald ZoschkeLeave a Comment

Earlier this week we introduced you to peperoni cruschi. Now the exploration continues. From friends in Maierà – where the famous Peperoncino Museum is located – we were invited to a restaurant where those crispy peppers were just one of many delicious appetizers. Since we were so enthusiastic about them, our friends gave us a treccia of dried Dolce Calabrese …

American Star Ghost Chili Vodka

In Alcoholic, Beverages, Recipes by Dave DeWittLeave a Comment

Oops. Depending on the part of the country that you’re from, you may have already noticed a regional spelling disambiguation in the name of this product. While it’s rarely spelled out (pun intended), and most folks have likely never every considered that chili and chile are two different things. Here in New Mexico, and you can see the rule at play here at the Burn! Blog, if you look hard enough.

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Thanksgiving Recipes for Two, Part 2: Duck Breasts, Stuffing, and Veggies

In Holiday & Seasonal, Recipes by Mike StinesLeave a Comment

Thanksgiving is fast approaching but you’re not a big fan of turkey so you need an alternative to the traditional cholesterol laden feast. Forget the turkey, the gravy, lumpy mashed potatoes and green bean casserole with cream of mushroom soup. Instead enjoy pan-seared duck breasts with a Cajun mustard sauce. Serve with apple-cornbread “stuffing,” and sautéed green beans and peppers.