Ice Cream with Smoked Apples

In Dessert by Rick BrowneLeave a Comment

While you’ve got the smoker going, why not throw on dessert after the main course?  Apples smoke in 45-90 minutes.  They should be ready just about the time dinner has settled and guests are ready for the final round.

ice cream with smoked apples
Ice Cream with Smoked Apples
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Heat Scale: None
6 servings
6 servings
ice cream with smoked apples
Ice Cream with Smoked Apples
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Heat Scale: None
6 servings
6 servings
Servings: servings
  1. Soak the skewers in water for 30 minutes. Place the apple slices on the skewers and smoke for 45-60 minutes. I cold smoke them but you could hot smoke them for 30-45 minutes instead if you want the apples to be cooked.
  2. Remove, then mix with the remaining ingredients (except for the ice cream). Spoon the apple mixture over the vanilla ice cream scoops.
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Rick Browne

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