Oven-roasted Potatoes Sprinkled with Rosemary, Garlic, and Peperoncino Powder

In Chile Peppers, Holiday & Seasonal, Recipes, Spicy Side Dishes by Mark MaskerLeave a Comment

Potatoes are an industry standard when it comes to holiday cooking. They’re the bricks for building comfort food. Whipping up good mashed spuds isn’t exactly quantum physics. Transforming them into something special to be remembered, though, well, there’s a touch of art to that. Or you can use this delicious Italian oven-roasted version from our Italian holiday feast feature instead.

italian roasted potatoes
Oven-roasted Potatoes Sprinkled with Rosemary, Garlic, and Peperoncino Powder
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In case you are wondering, yes, potatoes are eaten in Pastaland.
6 servings
6 servings
italian roasted potatoes
Oven-roasted Potatoes Sprinkled with Rosemary, Garlic, and Peperoncino Powder
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In case you are wondering, yes, potatoes are eaten in Pastaland.
6 servings
6 servings
Servings: servings
  1. Place the diced potatoes in a bowl. Add the minced rosemary and garlic along with the oil and salt, and toss with your hands, coating the potatoes well.
  2. Oil a roasting pan and spread the potatoes evenly over the bottom. Heat the oil to 425 degrees F.
  3. Bake until the potatoes are crisp and golden brown, about 45 minutes, turning them every 10-15 minutes with a spatula and spreading them out in a single layer.
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Managing Editor | Mark is a freelance journalist based out of Los Angeles. He’s our Do-It-Yourself specialist, and happily agrees to try pretty much every twisted project we come up with.

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