Well before there was actual Tex-Mex cuisine, people near what is now Austin ate a lot of the same foods with similar basic tools. They were hungry and couldn’t wait the 15,000-ish years for there to be a Texas or a Mexico to invent Tex-Mex eats.
Spicy Latin American Ceviche
Ceviche is, of course, fish or other seafood that is marinated in citrus juices and other ingredients so that it is “cooked” without heat.
A History of Peppers in the United States Pt 1
Peppers of the annuum species were transferred into what is now the American Southwest twice—first by birds and then by people.
Curry Controversies Part 2
Editor’s Note: This is the second half of our story on curry controversies. You’ll find part one here.
Pepper Gardening: Hotcaps and Direct Seeding
To protect the seedlings from insects, wind and cold temperatures, some gardeners set miniature greenhouses, known as hotcaps, over each seedling.
Increasing Pepper Yield in Your Garden
Fruit development is enhanced by increased sunlight. More fruit will set near the top of the plant than within the canopy of leaves.
When Habaneros Ruled the World of Peppers Pt 2
The following is part II of an excerpt from The Habanero Cookbook, by Dave DeWitt and Nancy Gerlach. Berkeley, CA: Ten Speed Press, 1995.