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Panpepato (Spicy Chocolate-flavored Christmas Bread)

In Dessert, Holiday & Seasonal, Recipes by Mark MaskerLeave a Comment

The turkey’s gone, the stupidity that is Black Friday is behind us, and now we’re on to Christmas. Your food options are a little more freestyle than Thanksgiving’s now. If you’re looking to get away from ham, geese, and mashed potatoes, how about going Italian? Dave DeWitt ran a whole Italy-style holiday feast in this feature story, and this Panpepato (Spicy Chocolate-flavored Christmas Bread) recipe was just one of the wonderful options from which to choose.

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Christmas Candied Bacon

In Dessert, Recipes by Mark MaskerLeave a Comment

Over the last two years, Christmas-flavored bacon has been the Red Ryder BB gun to my Ralph Parker. Unlike the hero in A Christmas Story, though, there’s no chance of me shooting my eye out or getting my tongue stuck to a frozen pole along the way. TBS also hasn’t opted to run 24 Hours of Mark Chases Christmas Bacon. This year, however, I think I finally got it right: Christmas Candied Bacon.