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Masker’s Yule Hog, Part 1: Home-Cured Christmas Bacon

In Holiday & Seasonal, Recipes by Mark MaskerLeave a Comment

Apparently, two dozen gingerbread strippers and a bottle of cheap scotch wasn’t enough to buy Santa’s forgiveness last year. He did not provide the Big Green Egg I’d requested despite my generous bribe. I found plenty of fuel for an Egg in my stocking, though. This year I’m upping the ante. No jolly old elf can resist three different types of Christmas pork waiting on a plate. While I’m at it, I’ll share the recipes as I go along. If it works, maybe you can buy your naughty self into his good graces too. Christmas bacon seems like a good lead-in. Here’s how I’m going about it.

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Drinking in the New Year (and Christmas)

In Alcoholic, Beverages, Recipes by Dave DeWittLeave a Comment

Well, we’re about to leap into 2015, so we guess some celebrating is in order. But first, some comments about celebrations on New Year’s Eve from some wise philosophers. “I’m not a drinker,” said Woody Allen, “my body won’t tolerate spirits, really. I had two martinis New Year’s Eve and I tried to hijack an elevator and fly it to Cuba.” Don Marquis confesses: “I drink only to make my family seem interesting.” And perhaps the wisest philosopher all, the great Henny Youngman, said about his family, “My grandmother is over eighty and still doesn’t need glasses. Drinks right out of the bottle.” We’re going one step better than that. Here are two of our favorite Christmas and New Year’s Eve drinks.

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The Burn’ed Christmas List Part III: The Silence of the List

In Gadgets & Tech, Reviews, Stories by Mark MaskerLeave a Comment

Like my holiday shopping, part three of our list comes later than it should and it’s totally my fault. Between slaying fish near Kirimati with my folks for ten days, writing bike features for Hot Bike and Baggers magazines, shooting Harley Claus at Bartels Harley-Davidson, and other blog posts here, the list got pushed back until Lois finally put me in a pit and said, “It writes the list or else it gets the hose again.” I agreed, she tossed me a laptop, and as soon as this post goes live, she’s promised to let me out.

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The Burn!’ed Christmas List Part 1

In Gadgets & Tech, Stories by Mike Stines1 Comment

As part of our neverending crusade to avoid grillers and chileheads getting socks and bad cologne/perfume every Christmas, we’re running our first annual Burn!’ed Christmas List. From now until mid-December, will be post little lists of cool, fun, or necessary gifts that we (and hopefully you) might like to find under the tree or in a stocking this December. Up first is Mike Stines with some great ideas to fill in the blanks in your barbecue arsenal.